

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

robot planning, how to make a robot , mechanical robot

In designing a robot line follower which need to be noticed is the size of motors that we use, the size of circuits that we make, and also the point of balance which can affect the course of the robot, for example motor used in this line follower using a DC motor with a maximum voltage 7V dc, From the software results in a print on paper and then affixed

/ pasted on a base made of materials that we want for example on sebuh aluminum plate with a thickness of only 1.5 mm square, From the pictures that are already in print
then we form the size and layout of the hole in the image using the drill, using a miser and a saw to form the base.
In the base design or design that we want does not have to use auto cad software but can use a sketch or a drawing hand in accordance with our own minds.

1.2 Electronic Design
Microcontroller used in this series of using ATmega 8, which in it has some features that are available such as:
- 16 MHz maximum clock frequency
- Path I / O 23 units, which consist in PORTB, PORTC and PORTD
- Analog to Digital Converter 10-bit as much as 6 input
- And so on
Pin Configuration Atmega 8 appears in the following figure:
Figure 1.3 Pin Configuration ATmega8
In designing a PCB layout we can use some software such PCBdesign protel, eagle, PCB designers and many more types of software that we can easily find on the internet, in designing a series of electronics not only with software but with the picture can we make it tanganpun but depends on the chain of electronics such difficulties.

2.1 Introduction CodeVision
CodeVisionAVR C Compiler is a software used to create a program AVR microcontroller in C language The program is then translated by the CodeVisionAVR C into hexadecimal code that is downloaded to the AVR microcontroller chip.
Here are the steps in making a program using the CodeVisionAVR C:
2.1.1 Project Started
1. Start menu, Program Files and select the CodeVisionAVR C Compiler
2. Click Yes to use CodeWizardAVR
3. In CodeWizardAVR Chip select menu and select the menu option and select ATmega8 Clock frequency of 12 MHz.
• In CodeWizardAVR we can set the features provided such as Timer, USART, ADC and others.

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